Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Custer, SD

Somewhere along the way to Custer

Well, we had about 240 miles left to go from Ogalala, NB to get to Custer. We headed down Hwy 26 West after stopping by the Napa store so Todd could get a headlight bulb. We rolled on outta town and what nice rolling hills we had to ride. The countryside is so beautiful out here. The farms stretch for as far as you can see. I know I've said that before, but really. We met up with Waterman(Joel) at a small truck stop and pulled out 13 bikes strong. All Nomads and one Goldwing. I saw a couple of antelope in fields as we rode along. We took a little break about 40 minutes from Custer. Saw a sign that said, "Large animals in the road __ miles ahead." Took a turn and there our first buffalo sighting was. It was a loner munching on grass. On up the road was a big herd of them. Neat looking animals but can be very dangerous. We cruised on and made our way into the town of Custer! Saw Nomads scattered throughout town at the various hotels and other places. We rolled on to the rally central hotel the Bavarian Inn. I had to get registration set up and rolling so everyone could turn in their paperwork. Robert "Trip" Hillard, the creator of KawaNOW rolled in with his posse about 2 hours or so after we did. We all hung around the Bavarian for a bit then rolled back into town and went to The Frontier for a bite to eat. I was tired, so I ate and walked back to my hotel for a shower and good night's rest. More later.

We made it!!

1 comment:

  1. Great write up Kawgirl. Glad you all arrived safe. It is fun reading your blog and seeing the pics. You all must be tired...but now that you are there you will get a second wind.

    You might want to suggest to Todd to buy a second bulb to keep as a spare.

    Ride safe and enjoy!

