Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ogalala, Nebraska

We started out a little earlier today and had rain. We traveled in the rain for a little less than an hour. It wasn't a very hard rain but enough to know it was there. The sun popped out and the ride was much nicer. We stopped at a truck stop and saw another KawaNOW member with his wife and their bikes on a trailer! We'll see them again in Custer. We cruised on down the road and met up with Watchman and Rick. We cruised some interstate and some back roads. What beautiful countryside. Farms for as far as you can see. We crossed from MO to Iowa and into Nebraska today. Once the rain cleared us this morning, we had great weather until about an hour outside of Ogalala. Thank goodness we had stopped to put our rain gear on again. We covered about 490 miles today. Met Jim and Annette when we got here. They will be riding with us beginning the morning. We all went to a local restaurant and had steak for dinner. Great place to eat. Spurs. We're gassed up and ready to pull out in the morning. Will post some pics when I get them uploaded and figure out how.


Here's a shot while riding down the interstate in Nebraska. A little sideways.

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