Saturday, June 13, 2009


We left the Nashville area a bit after 8 this morning to begin our 590 mile ride to Kansas City, MO.

We traveled down the road about an hour after gassing up and stopped for breakfast. I'm not even sure where it is that we stopped. LOL. We did make a stop at the Kentucky state line and took pics. I hope to post at least one of those soon. We traveled on down the intertate for a bit then got off on back roads. What a better view we had there. As we traveled through KY, we started across a bridge that crosses the Ohio River and the Illinois state line was right there. Too risky to stop 6 bikes, one having a camper towed behind it. We journeyed on down the road in the day's perfect weather. Wow, we couldn't have asked for better. Crossed the Mighty, Mighty Mississippi River into Missouri. We had quite a haul today to get to Kansas City. We passed through the town where David Cook from American Idol is from as we traveled to get here. The Kansas City Royals had a night game too. Saw the stadium all it up as we rode by.

Time to get some sleep.


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