Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Needless to say, we were not in a hurry to leave Portsmouth very early. It was imperative that we make sure Mike was taken care of as far as a rental car and such. His insurance company told him it would take a business day to get everything in order to get him a car. Todd made some phone calls and got things rolling for him. He had a truck lined up to drive home. Todd had gone back out to where the accident happened hoping to find Mike's camera. He came back with it. He said it was probably about 100 ft from where the bike had landed. The emergency vehicles had actullay pulled over right about where Todd found it. Fortunately, it was working fine. Todd took some pics of the area and the deer so Mike would have them in case the insurance company needs them. Todd and I went for a bite to eat and to get Mike some dressing materials for his arm. We came back and redresssed his road rash and got Mike down to the lobby with his stuff so he could wait for Enterprise to come pick him up. We decided at that point to hit the road and start making our way home. We had about 340 miles to get to Todd's house. I made my plea in the emergency room to ride the interstate instead of back roads as we had talked about before. I was ready to hit the road and get back. Todd agreed with me. We stopped by and looked at the bike in the daylight. It's pretty banged up. Todd says it's totalled. He should know, that's what he does for a living. We rode on and headed towards WV. We had about 40 miles of Hwy 52 then I-64 to I-77. Smooth sailing. We got to Cross Lanes, WV and I told Todd we were going to practically pass my aunt's house going the way we were going and I would feel bad not stopping for a little bit. We did and headed out after about 30 minutes or so. It was after 5 then. We cruised on and made back to Greensboro around 11 o'clock. Another late night but we made it safely. I took a shower and went to the basement to crash for the night. Whew I was tired.


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