Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Okay, I wake up and think it's probably about 8:30. WRONG! It's 10:45!!! I guess my body shut down and made me rest. I got up, got dressed, and packed up the bike. Told Todd goodbye and he led me out to Hwy 421. I cruised on down the highway with no troubles. Stopped in Zebulon at the Sheetz station to get gas and decided to get a hot dog and a coke since I hadn't had anything to eat except for a pack of nabs. Jumped back on the back and headed to Greenville. Made it home a little before 3. It was a wonderful trip and I'm ready for the next one! Anyone ready to join me? I rode almost 4600 miles from the time I left my drive to the time I got back. Whew! It's a good tired.


1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Amy. Glad you and Todd were there to help Mike out...I am sure he really appreciated it.

    Get some rest!

