Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

We got up and packed the bikes and met Ron, Tammy, and Mike at the Dakota Cowboy down the street from our hotel for breakfast before pulling out to make our way east. Our plan was to go to Wall Drug and the Badlands. As we got closer to Sturgis, I asked the others if they wanted to travel the extra 30 miles to get to it. Everyone was game. Ron, Tammy, and Mike didn't get to make a visit so we went. It gave Todd and I a chance to see more of the town also. We left Sturgis and headed west towards Wall Drug. As we traveled along we started seeing LOTS of yellow clover. It was real pretty. Here's a shot of the fields behind the gang and Mike is smelling the flowers. We are such BIG, BAD bikers. :o) That has been our joke. We eat pie and stop to smell the flowers.

This area was right before we got to Wall, SD to check out Wall Drug. It's a neat place to check out. LOTS of different departments to visit and tons of people go there. Our first stop was the fresh donut counter. Mmmmm. We got our free ice water and Mike got the 5 cent cup of coffee that is widely advertised. Next, off to the fudge shop! The backyard was a fun place to visit. The jackelope was a hit!

Ain't we a fun bunch of folks!

We finished up at Wall Drug and hopped on the bikes to head to Badlands National Park. What a really neat place to see. The terrain is so different from the surrounding areas. Our country has such unique areas to see.

I will have to update the rest of my trip tomorrow. We made it to Mitchell, SD.


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