Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I have been riding a motorcycle for about 7 years now, even though I got my endorsement back in 1996. I did not actually buy a bike of my own until 2001. Not that I didn't want one. It was a 1997 Suzuki Intruder 800. A great starter bike for me.

My current bike of choice is a 2002 Kawasaki Nomad. I have never enjoyed riding a bike so much until I purchased my black and red beauty 3 years ago. We have ridden quite a few miles together. I have gotten more involved with riding since I joined the local chapter of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club. They are a great group of people. Now that I have the Nomad, I did some searching around on the internet and came acrosss a website that was started by Robert "Trip" Hillard called KawaNOW. Kawasaki Nomad Owners Worldwide. It is a fantastic place for any information you could want on the Nomad. Because of my involvement with this group, I am now traveling wider expanses of our wonderful country. Beginning June 11, 2009, I will start my journey westward to Custer, South Dakota. This is the site of the first national rally for KawaNOW. Last year was the beginning of the rallies for us in the 3 major regions of the US. My hope is to chronicle my trip to South Dakota through this blog. I plan to update it daily and hopefully add pictures as we travel along the way. There will be 3 riders rolling out of NC Friday morning. Todd, Mike, and myself. We will meet up with more folks in the Nashville, TN area Friday evening and on to Kansas City, MO to meet up with more. Our next stop will be in Nebraska. Once we leave there, we will find a couple of riders out in Colorado and make our final trek into Custer. You guys check back and see what we're up to as we travel across the US.


  1. Good luck Big Sis!!!
    Please be careful "out yonder"-
    Can't wait to "tag along" with you on this journey.
    My prayers are with you all!
    ps- I see your keeping my hours now that school's out.

  2. Be safe a Godspeed. See you in Custer Monday! Joe

  3. Have a great time and ride like everyone is out to run over you...DEFENSIVELY!!db

  4. Glad to see you made it there safely. Sounds like you are having an awesome time. The pics are great. Have fun and be safe!!

    See ya soon,
