Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Saturday, June 20, 2009

We got up this morning, gassed up, and found the Corn Palace before leaving Mitchell, SD. It's a display of the crops grown in the area. Art work done with these crops on the building. A new theme is chosen each year. It's neat to see in person.

All the art work is ears of corn or some other crop.

This was a long day for us. We ended up riding 650 miles. We rode the rest of the distance across South Dakota, into Minnesota and into Wisconsin. Our destination was Chicago, Illinois. We made it. Tired, hungry, and stinky, but we made it. We ordered pizza then hit the hay. I don't have pictures from MN or WI except for the state signs. We didn't stop at any points except for gas or
to use the bathroom. We did meet another Nomad rider somewhere along the way. He actually knows two of our KawaNOW members. It's amazing how small this world really is.

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