Friday, June 12, 2009


We left Greensboro around 8:15 this morning and met Mike in Yadkinville. We rode about 500 miles today to get just north of Nashville, TN. Here we met up with Ron, Tammy, and Ross. Wayne is staying with a friend in Murfreesboro. We'll meet him in the morning and head out towards MO. The weather was good for riding. It was a bit overcast in the beginning then the sun popped out and shined on us the rest of the way.

Our hotel is next to a Mexican restaurant, so we strolled over there for a bite to eat. We came back and hung out in the parking lot jabbering about our day and past riding times. Custer is going to be a grand time!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy, You know what I told you about riding and eating at a Mexican Resturant. Montezuma's Revenge will sneak up on you. I have the remedy in case it does sneak up. Plenty of AMERICAN BEER and a FAT BURGER from a greasy spoon!!LOL..Have a great trip and be safe. DB
